Yes, pistachios are low histamine. They’re also a remarkable source of copper and vitamin B6, as well as being a moderate source of protein and healthy fats. If you’re unfamiliar with pistachios, they’re a small green nut native to the Mediterranean, naturally encased in a hard shell that turns eating them into a bit of a chore. But they taste very appealing, mildly nutty with their own unique flavor that has enticed people to crack them open over & over, for many millennia now.
They pair well with a huge variety of flavors, though they’re more often used in desserts, and this makes them easy to overload on. But pistachios do contain some other biogenic amines, which can cause a histamine reaction in some people due to the slowed clearing of histamine. So if you’ve ever had a reaction to a seed or a nut, take caution when reintroducing pistachios.